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Little Nicholas

Recently I've read the book of "Le petit Nicolas".
The authors are René Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempé. This is a children's book written in 1959 by René Goscinny, the artist behind Asterix and Obelix and illustrated by the famous illustrator Jean-Jacques Sempé.
Especially for literature's lovers it must be an already known novel, but as for me, I have finished to read it just recently.
Special thanks to a certain JohnBad aka (fake)Cappuccino.

Little Nicholas, the book:
"Le petit Nicolas" was published in France on popular newspapers between the 50s and 60s and thanks to Jean-Jacques Sempé's illustrations of these short stories, Nicholas has got a huge popularity, so that it has quickly become a character known by every French person.
Till now, it has been translated in over 30 languages and it has sold over 10 milions volumes and for being so popular it has been used to encourage the learning of French.
Little Nicholas is no more than story about friendship between children of the 50s and if you know already some French it's an easy book to read even in its original language.
The book infact, even if is mainly addressed to an audience of young readers, it can become a very good mean of prehension for those who are starting to learn the French language.
Written with simple style and words it is really easy to read even if you meet unknown terms, infact not only you can understand the whole context but you can also enrich your vocabulary with small efforts.
It's really a cute funny book.

Little Nicholas, the movie:
Few days ago I have also watched the movie.
For Nicholas everyday is a great joy thanks to his lovely parents and his beloved friends and teachers, but one day, by hearing a secret talk between his father and his mother, he will understand that his mum is going to have a child.
Nicholas will start to ask to himself "how it will be my life if I'll have a little brother?"...he has never thought about this possibility.
For him and his friends life is their biggest challenge and that's how their adventures will start!
Nicholas'friends are:
the fat kid greedy for sweet Alceste, the rich Geoffry, Rufus that has a father that is a policeman, the cloying Agnan, that is also the favourite of the teacher, the sleepy Clotaire, the kind homeroom teacher, the surveillant called le Bouillon and the headmaster of the school.
At the end of the story, thanks to this warmhearted story everyone will summon irreplaceable memories of childhood.
No one will be able to take off his eyes from those children dressed as in the 60s that run for the roads like if they have just popped out directly from the book!Try to have a look if you have the chance!
As the same as the book, it's really a nice and funny story!


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