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SaniQuest (English version)

SaniQuest (shortened in SQST) is an italian game created by Nagori Yuki (!), it is an rpg distributed and developped by SaniSoft Corporation aka the former SaniNyan Records Production.
In 2009 the first chapter of SaniQuest, first italian rpg of this series, was released.
It's a game that represents "Sani's fire station", where now there is La Sapienza university department of asian studies.
The first Saniquest was released the 13th March 2009 in a town near Rome.
This game has created the starting point for a sequel.
In Saniquest, as in other games, you will have to fight evils through battles.
Heroes are predestined to fight the evils, and as in a real student life it will be required to pass exams.
As any computer rpg game, the team of your heroes will have to fight continuosly against several monsters to save an imaginary world, and in this way they will increase points that will allow them to learn new abilities and skills to use.
Anyhow for the new SaniQuest 2 it seems there will a new innovative system of fighting inspired by the fighting system of Final Fantasy X by Square-enix.
At the moment there is no official release date for SaniQuest 2, but it seems there will be an English version.
The game is in Italian, but if you want to have a try you can visit the Facebook PAGE.


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