それは、古代にLago Prile(プリレ湖)乾燥させて、マラーリアをなくすため、1765年にLeonardo Ximenes(レオナルド・クシメネス)によって建てられました。
まだ、面白いことがある:その場所は、Carlo Verdone(カルロ・ヴェルドーネ)、Robert De Niro(ロバート·デ·ニーロ)、Monica Bellucci(モニカ・ベルッチ)、Riccardo Scamarcio(リッカルド・スカマルチョ)、Michele Placido(ミケーレプラチド)Laura Chiatti(ラウラ・キャッティ)となど、Manuale d'amore 3(モニカの恋愛マニュアル)の三番エピソードのため役立った。
The Red House
was intended only to control the flow of water from the vast wetlands and
the nearby Tyrrhenian Sea. Nowadays this building is a little multimedia museum, where it is possible to watch a video about this place and The Red House.
This historical complex were used as a location for the third episode of the film Manual of Love, with Carlo Verdone, Robert De Niro, Monica Bellucci, Riccardo Scamarcio, Michele Placido, Laura Chiatti and others.
This historical complex were used as a location for the third episode of the film Manual of Love, with Carlo Verdone, Robert De Niro, Monica Bellucci, Riccardo Scamarcio, Michele Placido, Laura Chiatti and others.
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