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Trip in Verona (1st day) - English-

 I recently went to Verona with a friend.
The weather was awful but luckily we didn't have too many problems.

Our trip started with a funny hyper-talkative grandpa that told us about his entire life till we got to Rome. We arrived at Termini and we changed train (Frecciargento) this one, would take us to Verona. Thanks to Trenitalia we arrived 30 minutes late even with a high-speed train!

First, we looked for the b&b Castelvecchio.
I recommend this place because it's cute, welcoming and in a central area that will allow you to reach every corner of Verona and its leading monuments.
Also, the owners of this b&b are really great and will give you lots of helpful advice.

We started our visit from the castle-museum Castelvecchio.

It's enormous! It took us around 2 hours to see everything inside there. In this museum you can see
Pisanello's "Madonna della quaglia", Jacopo Bellini's "Crocifisso", Andrea Mantegna 's "Sacra famiglia" and much more. There are around 622 paintings inside.

After a walk on the Scaligero bridge, we looked for a restaurant to eat Verona's dishes.
We choose "Il ciottolo", a restaurant near Castelvecchio.

Here we could eat:

-Bigoli con pastisada de caval
-Pasticcio al radicchio rosso di Verona e Monte Veronese
-Brasato all’Amarone e polenta
and we had a glass of Valpolicella superiore.

Pastisada de caval is a typical dish of Verona made of horse meat.

There is even a legend about it. It seems that this recipe was created in 489 after a battle between Odoacer and Theodoric, the king of Ostrogoths.

When the war ended, a lot of dead horses were on the battle field. At those time the people there were poor and there wasn't enough food, so they used that meat.
Some days later the meat started to smell a bit, so the people of Verona came up with the idea of putting it in wine and spices.

They solved the problem and invented this delicious dish.

Amarone is one of the most famous wines of Verona. It's funny to know that it was produced for the first time 70 years ago because of a mistake:
There is another wine called Recioto that was left fermenting in a wine cask for too long. At that time that long fermentation transformed all the sugar in alcohol. Then, that cask of Recioto became Amarone.

We finished our meal with a good coffee and after a little walk we came back to the b&b.

 End of the first day.


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