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2週間前MargiとBeaの結婚式のため、ロンドンへ行った。 今年の6月1日に美しい邸宅のペンブロークロッジでMargiとBeaが結婚していた!
イタリアではゲイの結婚はまだ認められていないので、二人の友人が強制的にイギリスを選んだ。イギリスは同性の者達の結婚が認められている国だから。 そのため、たくさんの招待されていて人々の出席が難しくなってしまって、MargiとBeaの大きなイベントに参加することができなかった。 私自身、Margiと彼女の家族(Greenan家)のおかげで結婚式に参加をできた。
Two weeks ago, I went to London for Margi and Bea's marriage.
On June 1, my two friends got married in the beautiful Georgian mansion of Pembroke Lodge.
Because in Italy gay marriages are not recognized yet, my two friends had to chose another Country like England where marriages between two people of the same sex are legals.
Because of this, many people couldn't partecipate to this great event.
As for me, I can only thank Margi and her kind family.
But now, let's have a look at the pictures!

Two weeks ago, I went to London for Margi and Bea's marriage.
On June 1, my two friends got married in the beautiful Georgian mansion of Pembroke Lodge.
Because in Italy gay marriages are not recognized yet, my two friends had to chose another Country like England where marriages between two people of the same sex are legals.
Because of this, many people couldn't partecipate to this great event.
As for me, I can only thank Margi and her kind family.
But now, let's have a look at the pictures!

 夕方、ピカデリーに行って、馬鹿写真を撮って、皆一緒にTGI Friday`sで食べた。We stayed in a hotel in Putney Bridge.
Later that evening we went to Piccadilly, took some pictures and we ate all together by TGI Friday's.
All Saints church, Fullham
Putney Bridge



式典の日だった。 ペンブロークロッジ、式典の前の写真
The days of the ceremony had come.
Some pics of Pembroke Lodge before the marriage.

Pembroke Lodge
左にLord John Russell, 右に Queen Victoria
ペンブロークロッジはリッチモンドパーク、 ロンドンの王立公園の一つに立つジョージアン様式の邸宅である。1847年にイングランドのビクトリア女王は主ジョン·ラッセルにペンブロークロッジを与えた。

Pembroke Lodge is a Georgian mansion in Richmond Park, one of the London Royal Parks.
In 1847, Queen Victoria granted the Lodge to Lord John Russell.


The ceremony was really beautiful and impressive.
And my two friends were finally legally recognized as "wife and wife".


The celebration continued with many photos, food and wine...
The cake was as beautiful as delicious!


That night we ate all together at a Japanese restaurant called Taro.

The next day I went back to Italy where my adorable Yun was waiting for me.



        The End. 


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